Constantinescu Elena – Social Pedagogue

Elena Constantinescu impreuna cu grupa de copii

1. What is your favorite place on campus and why?

EC: My favorite place on campus is the gazebo, where I sometimes make small talk with the young people. We are caught up daily with various activities, but we also make time for connection, and this can be seen in the joy on their faces.

2. What book would you recommend to a friend and why?

EC: I recommend the book “Sigur pe lume” by Hector Malot, an emotional story about the courage and resistance of an orphan boy, in search of identity and happiness.

3. How do you relax after a busy day at work?

EC: After a busy day at work, I like to spend time with my beautiful family and my two puppies.

4. If you could become someone else for a day, who would you become and why?

EC:  If I could become someone else for a day, I would be a ray of sunshine ☀️ and with my warmth I would warm the souls of troubled children.

5. Tell us something about yourself that few people know.

EC: I put my heart into what I do, even if it’s hard for me sometimes… I appreciate the simple things.


6. Picnic in the park or dinner at a fancy restaurant?

EC: Picnic in the park.

7. Fruits or vegetables?

EC: Both, I love them, I couldn’t live without them.

8. Black and white or color photography?

EC: Color photography – it seems to show life even more beautiful than it is.